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Nurse's Office

Monika Sikora, RN
845-357-2858   X 23404  

nurses’ forms

Welcome to the nurse's office, open from 8:30 to 3:30 every day!  Please find information about fevers, lice, when to keep a child at home, and health-related resources on the forms page (link above). Various medical forms, like the emergency card and physical forms, can also be found on this page.

Guidance on Coronavirus
8/12 Measles information


Dental Certificates 

Dental Certificates are requested for grades: Pre Kindergarten or Kindergarten, 1,3,5,7,9,11 and new entrants.



Emergency Care Plans—listed on the Forms Page above. Emergency Care plans are procedures that are individualized and put in place when a student has an allergy (food, latex, bee sting), asthma or seizure disorder that can cause a potentially life threatening situation while in school. The Health Office, as well as parents and doctors, participate in completing these plans each year or when a new condition is identified. These must be completed every year even if your child had one the prior year. If your child has a new health diagnosis, please notify the Health Office so the Care Plans can be started.


Fifth Grade Maturation Video/Program Please click on the link below for the Proctor & Gamble “Always Changing” Maturation webpage. Here you will have a chance to view the maturation video your children will view. Once on the page you will need to scroll down to where it says video. There are 3 videos which are divided by gender and one that is for co-ed viewing. Our 5th grade classes do not view the co-ed video. A letter will go home in the students’ backpacks a few weeks prior to the Maturation Lesson. If you want your child to participate in this lesson please designate and sign the lower portion and return to us.


Hearing and Vision Screening   Near and Far Vision Screening is required for the following grades:
PreKindergarten or Kindergarten, 1,3,5,7, 11 and new entrants which includes near and far vision. New Entrants also require color screening in addition to above.  Hearing Screening is required for prekindergarten or kindergarten, 1,3,5,7, 11 and new entrants.



Influenza Influenza, also called the flu, is a contagious viral infection of the nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is a serious illness that leads to approximately 20,000 hospitalizations in children younger than 5 years of age and nearly 100 deaths in children of all ages in the US each year. Anyone can get influenza, but infection rates are highest among children (~20-30% annually). Influenza is not the same as the “stomach flu,” which is a viral infection of the stomach and intestines that will typically goes away on its own within a few days.




Immunizations If your child has only one chicken pox (varicella) vaccine, he/she will need a second to enter SMS. They must have this before the start of the school year regardless of when their well visits come due. All children entering SMS in the fall must receive a Tdap booster. If your child has already turned eleven and has had their eleven year-old check-up, you probably already have the proof required to be given to the nurse at the middle school. If your child is eleven before the summer, please make sure to send this documentation as soon as it is done. However, if your child turns eleven after the school year ends, you will need to get this information to the middle school nurses directly. All children with summer birthdays need the vaccine prior to the first day of school. Children turning eleven in the fall have only two weeks from the day of their 11th birthday to turn this information in to the nurse or they can be excluded from attending school. Please plan accordingly. All charts are sent to the middle school during the last week of school in June.

Medications Every effort should be made to administer medications at home, as it does represent a disruption in the student’s day. However, if your physician feels that medication is necessary during the school day, please submit a completed form, which can be obtained from the health office before medication is sent to school. A new form must be filled out for each change of medication and renewed each school year. State law does permit administration of medication during the school day, but only with written orders from the physician and parent. This includes all types of medication– over the counter drugs such as Aspirin, Tylenol, cough syrup, motrin, vitamins—as well as prescription medication. The medication must be in the original container, or duplication professionally labeled by the pharmacist for this purpose. The parent/guardian must assume responsibility for having medication delivered directly to the school health office. No student should have medication in his/her possession while at school.


Routine Physicals
Routine Physicals are required for grades: Pre Kindergarten or Kindergarten, 1,3,5,7,9,11 and new entrants. If proof of a private physical is not submitted to the health office by October 30th, your child will be scheduled for an exam with the School Medical Officer.



Scoliosis Screening Scoliosis Screening is required for the following: Girls in grades 5 and 7 only and boys in grade 9. A recent physical with a specific mention of scoliosis will allow me to skip your child’s assessment. You will be notified if there is a concern.